Step up your career in the Norwegian tech capital

Oversikt byen2 Foto Mykola Ksenofontov Visit Trondheim
Hydrogenlab 30 1 2
Rockheim museum Geir Mogen Visit
Sunset at Pirsenteret. © Tormod Igelø Ellingsen
M Management Bondens Marked
Munkholmen and downtown Trondheim in the background. © Tormod Igelø Ellingsen
M Management Uteservering
BBB 0334
Kopi av Magnet

Greater Trondheim region

  • 317 000
  • 40 000
  • 7 000
  • 800
    tech companies
  • 1
    Nobel Prize in Medicine
  1. Dive into the Nordic life. Somewhat cold and very refreshing. © Tormod Igelø Ellingsen
    Dive into the Nordic life. Somewhat cold and very refreshing.
    A balanced worklife
  2. Helse
    Free healthcare for all
  3. Hydrogenlab 30 1 2
    Flat structures. Have an impact!
…the list goes on…

Top 9 reasons to join the tech sector in the Greater Trondheim Region

Read the top 9 reasons

Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what others have to say.

IT is Trondheim Part 1
5 BRIGHT IDEAS: — Microchips and sports statistics
IT is Trondheim Part 2
5 TECH COMPANIES: — Bluetooth and the global app
Emission Free Wind Power
FUTURE ENERGY — SINTEF solving ocean wind
Community@ WorkinTrondheim
  1. Show all
  2. Ambassadors
  3. International Community
  4. Job Search
  1. IMG 9192
    Trondheim International Meetup
    1. Mar. 18
    2. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
    3. Free
    4. Digs
    1. International Community

    Join us for the next (free!) Trondheim International Meetup at Digs workbar. This month's theme will focus on sharing intel and best practices from recruiting agencies and human resource experts.

  2. Trondheim International Meetup
    Trondheim International Meetups.
    1. May. 20
    2. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
    3. 0
    4. DIGS
    1. International Community

    A selection of organisations and companies from the region will share their stories and speak to the unique elements that make up their work and business sectors. Recruiting agencies will also be on-site to connect with potential new job-seekers.This is an afterwork, providing tapas and drinks. We encourage internationals located in Trøndelag, visitors, companies with international workforces and interest organisations to join.Agenda
    15:15 - 15:30 Registration
    15:30 - 15:40 Intro
    15:40 - 16:10 Open mic - company presentations
    16:10 - 16:30 Panel discussion and Q&As
    16:30 - 16:50 Open mic - job seekers
    16:50 - 17:00 News and upcoming eventsHosted by: Work in TrondheimTrondheimsregionen, Næringsforeningen i Trondheimsregionen, NTNU, Sintef, Autronica, Equinor, Arm, Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, Sparebank1 SMN, Digs

  3. Trondheim International Meetup
    Trondheim International Meetups.
    1. Apr. 22
    2. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
    3. 0
    4. DIGS
    1. International Community

    A selection of organisations and companies from the region will share their stories and speak to the unique elements that make up their work and business sectors. Recruiting agencies will also be on-site to connect with potential new job-seekers.This is an afterwork, providing tapas and drinks. We encourage internationals located in Trøndelag, visitors, companies with international workforces and interest organisations to join.Agenda
    15:15 - 15:30 Registration
    15:30 - 15:40 Intro
    15:40 - 16:10 Open mic - company presentations
    16:10 - 16:30 Panel discussion and Q&As
    16:30 - 16:50 Open mic - job seekers
    16:50 - 17:00 News and upcoming eventsHosted by: Work in TrondheimTrondheimsregionen, Næringsforeningen i Trondheimsregionen, NTNU, Sintef, Autronica, Equinor, Arm, Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, Sparebank1 SMN, Digs

Already on your way?

All the information you need to experience a soft landing i Greater Trondheim Region

  1. WHAT IS UDI? The Directorate of Immigration (UDI in Norwegian) handles work permits.
    WHAT IS UDI? The Directorate of Immigration (UDI in Norwegian) handles work permits.
    Residence and Work Permits
  2. COZY BAKKLANDET: One of several attractive neighbourhoods in Trondheim – a place to live or just to stroll around. © Knut Opeide
    COZY BAKKLANDET: One of several attractive neighbourhoods in Trondheim – a place to live or just to stroll around.
    Find a Home
  3. GROWING UP: The Norwegian public school system is inclusive and free of charge
    GROWING UP: The Norwegian public school system is inclusive and free of charge
    Preschools and Schools

Want help right away?

SUA -Service Center for Foreign Workers - help with everything you need to start working in Norway

Visit the website
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