Useful Services
Here's a list of other services that might prove useful as you are getting settled in Greater Trondheim region!
The 5 largest banks in Norway are listed below. In addition there is a number of local banks in the region.
DNBThe largest Norwegian bank
Sparebank1 SMNThe largest bank founded in the Greater Trondheim Region
BN BankBN Bank is a Norwegian bank owned by a group of SpareBank1 banks.
NordeaA subsidiary of the large Swedish banking corporation of the same name
HandelsbankenA subsidiary of the large Swedish banking corporation of the same name
Authorities and public services
SUA (Service Centre for Foreign Workers) will also help you get in touch and navigate when you need permits and licenses. But - these government services are useful to know:
NAVAdministers public schemes such as benefits, work assessment allowance, pensions and more.
PoliceServices and offices in greater Trondeheim region
Norwegian Public Roads AdministrationCar registration, drivers license
Norwegian Labor Inspection AuthorityImportant and relevant information on working and worker's rights.
Norwegian Tax AdministrationAll you need to know about taxes.
SUAService Centre for Foreign Workers.
Emergency Contacts
110 – Fire
112 – Police
113 – Ambulance
Public Emergency Centre (Legevakt)
Phone number: 116 117
(Out-of-hours medical service - when your GP is unavailable and you are unable to wait)
All municipalities in Norway have a 24-hour medical service for patients who need immediate assistance.